International Association of Comparative Literature, Society and Culture (IACLSC 2016)

International Association of Comparative Literature, Society and Culture (IACLSC) aims to revive research scopes in broad areas of humanities and social sciences by precisely following diversions in historical and comparative research methodologies. The association which was formed informally in August 2014 at Greifswald University, Greifswald, Germany by few social scientists and humanities scholars received global attention in research exchange, understanding, evolution and mutual innovation in world literature, history, politics, civics, society and culture. The IACLSC also looks critically into cinema and performance studies; folklore and oral traditions; climate and landscape, heritage and ecology studies; national policy, subaltern studies, new media, transliteration studies; politics and international relations; colonial, post-colonial and post-communist history; citizenship and public sphere; indigenous studies and social anthropology etc. The IACLSC established it’s interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed research journal The Comparative Review in December, 2014 and decided to conduct biennial international conferences to build up knowledge networks, joint research programmes and new research clusters in humanities and social sciences worldwide. Recently the IACLSC received international acknowledgement.  IACLSC is an international association and received recognition of Union of International Associations (UIA), Brussels, Belgium with effect from August 28, 2016 . IACLSC (International Association of Comparative Literature, Society and Culture / Association internationale de littérature comparée, société et culture / Asociación Internacional de Literature Comparada, la Sociedad y Cultura) is henceforth endorsed in UIA Open Year Book vide UIA Org ID M5048. The IACLSC is a non-profit and non-political research association and a global assembly of networked, scientific and committed social scientists and humanities scholars. As manifested in its mission, the IACLSC will continue progressive, scientific and interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences. The IACLSC head office is based at Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar (Gujarat State), India.


Gandhinagar (Gujarat State, India);  December 15-16, 2016


Concept Note

The interruption of colonial empire and emerging of the post-colonial democratic nations in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, and further the collapse of the communist ideology and rise of democracy in these regions is a turning point of human civilization. Several uprisings and liberation movements, and the formation of the nation-states and national and sub-national consciousness formed during the last two hundred years and more are the byproducts of the social, cultural and economic encounters led by the foreign bodies and their counter resistances by the locals; they synthesize the Occident and the orient and create segments of voluminous and powerful knowledge fragments. The political background of these changes had been felt in different forms of human arts and literary artefacts. The embodiment of the sojourn of voices found in arts and literature hence need a counter survey. It may be located in several uprisings and liberation movements recorded in the history of the mankind, citizenships, public spheres and its various stimuli. The colonial, postcolonial and post-communist histories of the new nations are the outcome of different political experiences; which history and whose history, who wrote it, who silenced voices while writing fictional, historical, iconographic and anthropological documents. Henceforth, nationalism at different geographic locations has different perceptive. How typically the cultural elite, the local elite and the colonial and postcolonial and post-communist elites react to the idea of nation-state and nationalism and towards its problematic representations, capitalist and cultural consumptions and authenticities? How the fictional writings of nations differ from the historical documents; do both of them justify representations? Representation of stereotypes and stigma of collective groups and cultures and their historical and mythical dimensions would be a problem. The first biennial IACLSC international conference focuses on various disciplines in social sciences and humanities and their historical realizations and thereby attempts post-colonial research examinations putting together the narratives, meta-narratives, historical archives and the comparative methods. The main themes and the sub-themes are not restricted to the followings research areas;

Main Themes:

  1. Authenticity and Representation: Nation and Narration

  2. Post-Communist Nations: Sub-National and National Identities


  1. Representation of Nation in Popular Culture: Film and Fiction

  2. History, Mythology, and Iconographic Representations: Symbols and Imageries in Folklore, Temples, Churches and Monasteries

  3. Politics of Languages and Postcolonial Nations: Indigenous Languages and Endangered Languages

  4. Material Culture and Indigenous Culture: Representation of Nation, Women and Landscapes

  5. Authenticity and Politics of Representation: National History and Memory

  6. Post-Colonial and Post-Communist Public Sphere: Nation State, Citizenship and History

The objective of the first biennial IACLSC conference is to create a thoughtful pedagogic platform by deconstruction of colonial and communist traditions historically in humanities and social sciences studies. Thereby scholars from different continents may look forward critically for new global changes and challenges of democratic nations.

Components and Structure of IACLSC 2016:

i. Oral Presentation – Keynote (6), Plenary (6), Panel (36)

ii. Book Installation: THE CULTURAL DIMENSIONS, Vol. III

iii. Book Exhibition

iv. Art Exhibition

v. Photo Exhibition

vi. Handicraft Exhibition

vii. Film Screening

viii. Tour: Cultural, Archeological and Historical Sites

ix. Cultural Evening: Cultural Tour of India

x. Conference Dinner

xi. Field Study Folkloristics 2016

xii. Seminars and Project Works on Folklore Studies

xiii. Publication of an edited volume of Abstract Book (ISBN)

xiv. Publication of Peer-Reviewed International Research Journal:                                                    The Comparative Review (ISSN, December 2016)

Abstract Submission: October 15, 2016

Full Paper Submission: November 30, 2016

PowerPoint Presentation Submission: November 30, 2016

Email ID:

Registration Fee:

Member-Authors (Submission of Research Article):                                                                   INR 1000.00 / USD 200.00

Participants (Without a Research Article):                                                                                         INR 500.00 / USD 100.00

The organizers of IACLSC 2016 will provide local travel, accommodation and meal during the conference. The registration fee meets the expenditure of conference kit, membership fee and publication charges of The Comparative Review (ISSN, Volume. I, Issue. I, December, 2016). All member-authors will be issued with two print copies of The Comparative Review. During the international conference, IACLSC will publish an edited volume of abstract book IACLSC 2016 (ISBN) and issue a membership identification card to all member-authors. Further IACLSC has decided to conduct a 10 days International Folklore Winter School ‘Folkloristics 2016’ (December 15-24, 2016) under the auspices of Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar (Gujarat), India.

The nearest railway station: Ahmedabad (Indian Railways)

The nearest airport: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport, Ahmedabad.

Temperature during December 2016: 29 – 32 degree celsius.


Interdisciplinary research in Humanities and Social Sciences.

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